About me

I am a Ph.D. student at the department of Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University, MD, USA. I am currently a member of SMARTS Lab and advised by Dr. Peter Kazanzides and co-advised by Dr. Russell H Taylor.

I received my BS (2019) and MS (2021) in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Tokyo, Japan, advised by Dr. Mamoru Mitsuishi, and Dr. Kanako Harada.

My work is focused on teleoperated/semi-autonomous robots applied to medicine, surgical VR simulator, and the intersection of these technologies.


01.29.2024   Paper accepted for ICRA2024 @Yokohama, Japan
10.01.2023   Presented two papers at IROS2023 @Detroit
09.01.2021   Started Ph.D. at LCSR, JHU

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